“Let's turn now to the citation of authors, found in other books and missing in yours. The solution to this is very simple, because all you have to do is find a book that cites them all from A to Z, as you put it. Then you'll put that same alphabet in your book, and though the lie is obvious it doesn't matter, since you'll have little need to use them; perhaps someone will be naive enough to believe you have consulted all of them in your plain and simple history; if it serves no other purpose, at least a lengthy catalogue of authors will give the book an unexpected authority. Furthermore, no one will try to determine if you followed them or did not follow them, having nothing to gain from that.”
--Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
The imagination of the genius vastly surpasses his intellect; the intellect of the academic vastly surpasses his imagination”
― Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“Academe was one of the last strongholds of the professional time-waster.”
― Clive Barker, Books of Blood, Vols. 4-6
“He said that academia reminded him of a badly run circus. The faculty members were like underfed animals -- weary of their cages, which were never large enough to begin with -- and they responded sluggishly to the whip. The trapeze artists fell with monotonous regularity into poorly strung nets. The clowns looked hungry. The tent leaked. The crowd was inattentive, shouting incoherently at inappropriate moments. And when the show was over, no one cheered.”
― Susan Hubbard
Perhaps the Internets are reading my mind and my mood when the passages above come immediately from a Google search of “academia quotes”. Or maybe there is something universal about the current feeling and state of mind that I have derived from doing three years confined to Criminology at the University of South Florida (minus a couple months for good behavior). Reading recent dialogs and diatribes on the Chronicle of Higher Education, it seems that the latter is more likely, though given the headlines lately regarding Big Brother, the former isn’t entirely out of the question either.
--Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
The imagination of the genius vastly surpasses his intellect; the intellect of the academic vastly surpasses his imagination”
― Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“Academe was one of the last strongholds of the professional time-waster.”
― Clive Barker, Books of Blood, Vols. 4-6
“He said that academia reminded him of a badly run circus. The faculty members were like underfed animals -- weary of their cages, which were never large enough to begin with -- and they responded sluggishly to the whip. The trapeze artists fell with monotonous regularity into poorly strung nets. The clowns looked hungry. The tent leaked. The crowd was inattentive, shouting incoherently at inappropriate moments. And when the show was over, no one cheered.”
― Susan Hubbard
Perhaps the Internets are reading my mind and my mood when the passages above come immediately from a Google search of “academia quotes”. Or maybe there is something universal about the current feeling and state of mind that I have derived from doing three years confined to Criminology at the University of South Florida (minus a couple months for good behavior). Reading recent dialogs and diatribes on the Chronicle of Higher Education, it seems that the latter is more likely, though given the headlines lately regarding Big Brother, the former isn’t entirely out of the question either.